If you suffered from bed bug bites as a guest in a hotel or another facility, you may be able to seek bed bug compensation by making a claim as a result of the facility’s failure in its “duty of care” to prevent infestations and subsequent injuries caused by dangerous conditions.
While some people may not feel that their case is worth pursuing because the injury is too small or the challenge of filing a claim too great, the fact remains that they may be entitled to compensation if a hotel or other hospitality facility was negligent enough to cause an infestation.
Types of Damages You May Be Able to Seek Compensation for Following a Bed Bug Infestation
There are several different types of monetary and non-monetary damages that you may be able to seek following a bed bug infestation. From lost wages due to time spent out of work to mental anguish due to a fear of future infestations, there are multiple damages that could result from these infestations. With the help of an experienced attorney, you may be able to develop a case to seek compensation for these damages.
You may be able to receive compensation for a number of things, including:
- Medical and emergency room expenses
- Future medical care costs including rehabilitation
- General pain and subsequent suffering
- Property damage such as damaged clothing and luggage
- Recovery for lost time at work and loss of any future income because of disability
How to Start a Bed Bug Lawsuit
Hotels, vacation rentals, and many other locations may be liable for injuries resulting from negligence.

If the property management knew about the existence of an infestation or should have known had they exercised the proper level of care, and failed to take the necessary measures to prevent or eliminate it, this could make them liable and force them to have to compensate you for your related damages.
Symptoms of Bed Bug Injuries
Bed bug bite effects can reach far beyond mere bite marks on the body. Many victims will experience itching, pain, or anxiety for months following the initial bites, along with other forms of mental anguish or financial repercussions.
Defendants in these cases have included hotel owners, management, the corporate headquarters, and possibly even staff.
Collecting Evidence of Infestation
If you believe you have been the victim of bed bug bites in a hotel, one of the first steps you should take is to collect as much evidence of an infestation as possible. This can include collecting a bug that you found in the room, which you are more likely to find under the sheets, between the box spring and the mattress, behind the bed, and around the headboard. You should also check any couches or chairs in the room.
Take photographs of the room before you leave, including close-up shots of dead or live bugs or evidence of their presence, along with wider shots that cover the entire room.

Evidence of bed bugs could include eggs that appear as small round specks, sheddings, and rust-colored or black fecal spots on bedding. Also, take photographs of your bite marks as proof that you were bitten.
Notify Management
Following the discovery of an infestation, ask the hotel management to send a representative to the room to make note of the issue. Afterwards, request a copy of the report in writing from the manager or owner. Communicating via email or other written forms will help provide evidence that you made a complaint.
Seek Medical Treatment
There are some bed bug bite injury victims who don’t have a serious reaction, but for others, it can be more dangerous and injuries can carry long-term effects for certain individuals. Depending on the severity of the injury and the reaction, bed bug bites can develop into open blisters that can become infected, and can even form permanent scars.

Additionally, since bed bugs have been known to carry certain diseases, there is a risk of transmitting something as they feed on your blood. Prompt medical attention can help avoid and/or minimize these issues.
Can Bed Bug Bites Cause Long-Term Effects?
In certain situations, bed bug bites can cause long-term health effects, both physically and mentally.
In terms of your physical health, the length of time bed bug bites will persist depends on the individual, but typically this is anywhere from 1 to 3 weeks. In certain cases skin reactions can be delayed a week or longer after being bitten, thus prolonging the period of physical suffering.
Bed bugs also have the ability to transmit disease. According to a study by the American Society of Microbiology, over 40 disease causing organisms have been detected in bed bugs.

In terms of your mental health, bed bug events can cause long-term psychological problems. These can come in the form of any of the following:
- Nightmares
- Flashbacks
- Hypervigilance
- Insomnia
- Anxiety
- Personal Dysfunction
The emotional and mental side effects of bed bug infestations will widely vary by the victims exposed, as well as the longevity and severity of the infestation.
File a Report with the Authorities
Contact hotel management and file an injury report in writing, if possible, and contact the local county health department to perform an inspection and develop a report of their own. It is important you document what happened and especially if the property is being dismissive or combative, seek the assistance of a third party.
Contact a Bed Bug Lawyer
A reputable and experienced bed bug lawyer may be able to assist you with the complexities involved in pursuing a claim against facilities responsible for bed bug infestations and resulting injuries. He or she can help determine if you have a case and if so, will assist you in seeking financial compensation.
If you believe you may have a case against a hotel due to a bed bug infestation, contact our experienced bed bug attorneys today to determine if we may be able to help.
I have had bed bug bites after a recent stay in as hotel. I noticed the bites a week later when they started reacting / infection set in. The doctor gave me steroid cream and anti biotics. The reaction / infection radius was 70mm at one point.
I’m a first year student in college. I’ve been recently informed that I have bed bugs. Looking back on the previous weeks., I’ve noticed itchy spots on my back and legs, and have experienced insomnia. Would this be a strong enough case?
Bed bug at rd roof in. Bites emergency treatment. Looking for attorney
I have a bed bug infestation in my apartment. The management company has had a fumigation service spray muktipme times but it has been unaffective. It’s been 4 years. I have had to stay wth friends a month and a half each time. The carpet has sights off infestation and has not been changed in 15,years. Please help
i stayed at the Cadillac Hotel for 2 weeks well i paid for 2 weeks but couldn’t even stay i was eaten up so bad it was disgusting. I am and have been very sick and been to the dr and hospital. Im trying to file a claim for my money back and all my meds and pain and suffering.
I was bitten by bed bugs in Sam’s Town Hotel in Shreveport. I had an allergic reaction to the bite, I have been off work for two days, I’m congested, swollen and feverish. I was told the exterminator didn’t find anything. What can I do?
My husband and I checked in Friday October 12, 2018@ around 6am at Motel 6 located in TODAY IS 10/14/18@8:39AM WE HAVEMT SLEPT DUE TO BED BUGS , I AM NOT OK RIGHT NOW
I stayed at Hampton Inn in Wichita, Kansas, on Friday night, October 12,2018. When I woke up Saturday morning, I noticed a swollen arm, hand and eye. I assumed it was an allergy with change of weather.. While dealing with that I missed an important visit with my husband to a couples’s home and even cut my trip off early and immediately came. home. I lost my eye sight in my left eye and was miserable and itchy all day and night. I got up in the middle of the night around 4:00 a.m. and went to a 24 hour Walgreen’s to get something for relief. I went to Urgent Care the day and they verified that it was a bug bite.. I received a steroid shot which I know stays in the body 3-4 months. I also was written a prescription for my eyes. and was told if it didn’t get better to see the eye doctor.
I called and reported this to the hotel manager on Sunday. He says the insurance company will contact me on Monday.
My contact number is 918-407-0234 or 918-746-9233
Please call us as soon as you can..we have contacted the owner of the hotel in person 3 times and they have still failed to clean our room and assist in cleaning the rooms..it is Budget Inn in Manchester Tennessee. The address is 2029 Hillsboro Blvd. We are having to get medical attention due to the bites we have gotten.
I had bites after the first night i was here at the Bennett motel in Riverside(Sioux City IA)
5227 Military Road
I believe ive been here for 2 weeks now! And ive gotten more bites sence then! Not sure what kinda bites they are, but they itch and burn pretty bad! Not sure what to do about this situation! I really need some help to take care of this problem!
I was in Dominican. Republic April 2 yo 9th of this year . After the first night I noticed this weird red rash on my face . Three. Straight lines of red rash . Anyway , each morning I got up. I thought it was mosquito bites . By the time I left I was covered in these bright red dots and in a very weird zig zag pattern or a straight line . When I got home. I realized it was bed. Bug bites . Disgusting. Disposed. Of all my luggage . Hard time sleeping I’m so stressed. About it
Please call me i need help I have been bit 140 times that I can count on my body since February 2nd. The landlord had a professional come out one time. The landlord did a heating treatment and sprayed maybe twice but the bugs are still here please help I do not sleep anymore
I recently stayed at a vacation rental property that was infested with bed bugs