Bed bugs are a nightmare. Even though they are visible to the human eye at every stage of their life, they’re notoriously tricky to catch. They’re challenging to get rid of, extermination is expensive, and medical bills can stack up if you suffer from bites.
These pests are commonly found in rental apartments, hotels, even office buildings. They prefer dark and warm places, so they thrive during the hot summer months in Memphis.
They aren’t merely a nuisance. These pests can easily cause both financial and health-related problems, so if you encounter a bed bug infestation due to another person’s negligence, your best option might be to contact a bed bug lawyer in Memphis.
The State of Bed Bug Infestations in Memphis
Bed bugs are incredibly problematic because they are extremely difficult to exterminate. This coupled with the fact that they can reproduce at such a fast rate, makes these pests such a formidable foe.
They’re a common problem all over the world, in both developed and developing countries. They’ve been reported in all 50 states in the US. According to research from Terminix, in 2018, Memphis, Tennessee, was ranked in the top 25 cities in the US for bed bug prevalence.
Dealing with bed bug infestations is difficult, but it’s not impossible. Professional exterminations are known to be effective, and the best prevention is periodic inspections of your home and furniture. Regularly taking time to thoroughly inspect while changing bed sheets, vacuuming, and cleaning can significantly reduce the risk of encountering bed bugs.
If you do encounter bed bugs in your rented home or a hotel, it can be a sign of negligence and irresponsibility on behalf of hotel managers or landlords. If you have proof that you did not cause the bed bug infestation, you should contact a bed bug lawyer in Memphis to find out whether or not you have a case.
Finding Bed Bugs in Your Hotel Room or Apartment in Memphis
While periodic inspections may be able to help to prevent bed bugs, it’s not 100% effective. This is why you can still encounter bed bug infestations even in 5-star hotel chains across Memphis or at luxury rental apartments. However, if the infestation persists due to another person’s negligence, you might be able to file a claim with an experienced bed bug lawyer such as our office of Bed Bug Lawyers.
First, however, you need to ensure that you’re safe. You can bring bed bugs home with you after staying at an infested hotel, so it’s best to always stay on the safe side and check for the signs of infestation as soon as you enter your room.
Make sure to check for signs of live bed bugs, bed bug waste, and the eggs they leave behind. Adult bed bugs resemble small reddish-brown, oval-shaped insects. Their waste is present in the form of dark red or brown spots on carpet, bed sheets, etc. Lastly, their eggs are barrel-shaped and are pearl-white in color.
While their name might suggest otherwise, bed bugs aren’t found solely in beds. They can be located in mattresses, sheets, bedside tables, other pieces of furniture, and even behind headboards. It’s in your best interest to inspect your room thoroughly before you settle in.
If you do see signs of a bed bug infestation, gather proof, take pictures, and notify the hotel manager or your landlord immediately.
Should you suffer any injuries such as bed bug bites, you should talk to a bed bug lawyer and see what your next steps should be.
Should You File a Claim for Bed Bugs?
A bed bug infestation doesn’t immediately call for a lawsuit, and this is why you should first talk to a lawyer to determine if you have a case. If you don’t have enough evidence against a negligent third party, not only will you have to cover the costs of dealing with bed bugs by yourself, but you’ll also lose money on filing a lawsuit that might not be fruitful.
A bed bug lawyer in Memphis may be able to help you go over your evidence, let you know what your options are, and tell you whether your case has grounds.
Our representatives in Memphis, Tennessee, may be able to help you in the pre-litigation process.. If you’ve lost wages due to taking time off to deal with the infestation, have medical bills to pay for bed bug bites, or suffered any other consequences due to the outbreak, our bed bug lawyers might be able to help you receive the appropriate compensation.
Bed Bug Claim Process
If you decide to contact a bed bug lawyer in Memphis to help you pursue a bed bug claim, they will help you organize the evidence that you need to help you build the strongest case.
You should keep in mind that if you needed to pay for the inspection and extermination of your apartment, or if you had to cover any other costs related to the bed bug infestation, it’s crucial to provide the bills and receipts as further evidence. If you have photo evidence of the infestation, you should also provide it immediately for evidence.
Once all the information is collected, a meeting with the negligent third party will be set. Bed bug cases are rarely brought to court, as most third parties agree to settlements outside the courtroom.
Memphis Bed Bug Lawyers
You can contact us if you believe you have a bed bug case in Memphis, Tennessee. We may be able to help you in your bed bug injury claim. No one should have to deal with bed bug infestations alone.